Inquisitive eyes, wet noses, and wobbly legs. It all comes with the irresistible package known as a puppy. Puppies are uber cute, an almost universal thought many people can agree with. If for whatever reason you are in the minority who doesn’t like puppies, you may want to keep it to yourself and move along. For the rest of humanity who wants to learn a thing or two while looking at adorable puppy pictures, then this post is for you!

Puppyhood is an incredibly fun and special time to cherish as a dog owner because your little ball of fur won’t be a small doggo forever! With puppy parenthood comes great responsibility, so if you’re a current puppy owner or preparing for your new little buddy, check out our facts about puppies. A word of caution, read these quick because before you know it, your pupper will have grown into a doggo!

FAQs to ensure a Happy Puppy

Many puppies in red wagon

What age is a dog considered a puppy?

Puppies mature into adult dogs at different rates due to breed and weight. Smaller breeds will be puppies for around 9 months while larger breeds can be puppies up to 15 months. Pedigree has provided us with a puppy age calculator if you’d like to see if your dog qualifies as a puppy. Age doesn’t always determine the cut off for puppies, Chewy’s “9 Signs your Puppy is no Longer a Puppy” can also provide some clues.

Leashed tiny black dog with parent

At what age should you begin training your puppy?

As soon as you bring them home! It’s never too early to begin training your pup and remember to make it fun and reinforce positive behavior with reward-based training.

A variety of dogs playing at parl

When can you take your puppy to a dog park or doggy daycare?

Once your pup has all the required vaccines and the vet gives the all-clear. It’s important to introduce your puppy to as many people and different stimuli as possible. Dog parks and dog daycare are ideal places to do so, however, you should never bring your puppy to these places before being vaccinated. Puppies’ immune systems are not as robust as adult dogs, making them more susceptible to diseases that can be spread at the communal areas. Ask your vet about including the canine influenza vaccine, to protect against a high contagious dog flu virus that dogs have no naturally occurring immunity to.

Dog visits a vet for check up


Which vaccinations does my puppy need?

There are four core vaccinations:

  • Rabies Virus
  • Canine Distemper Virus
  • Canine Adenovirus
  • Canine Parvovirus

Commonly recommended vaccinations (consult your vet):

  • Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
  • Leptospirosis

Additional vaccinations may be necessary depending on your geographical location. Your veterinarian can provide specific instruction and recommendations.

Two paws on a hand

When should you spay or neuter your puppy?

You want to neuter your puppy before they reach sexual maturity, so typically around 5-6 months old. Make sure to talk to your vet about the best time for your puppy as it can sometimes depend on the breed and size. Spaying and neutering your pets are important actions to take as a responsible pet owner.

Do puppies need pet insurance?

Yes, of course! The earlier you get puppy insurance the faster you’ll secure peace of mind about your pet’s health—and not to mention—your puppy’s policy will be at a lower cost. Receive a free quote today from Prudent Pet and see how your puppy’s policy will ease the financial stress of owning a pupper.

More Puppy Fun Facts

Close up brown puppy

We’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions dog lovers typically have about puppies. Now here’s some interesting facts about puppies to satisfy your never-ending quest for more puppy knowledge.

  • According to the Oxford Dictionaries, baby dogs are referred to as puppies, pups, or whelps.
  • Just like humans, puppies are born without teeth and will have their first set to adult teeth.
  • Puppies will eventually lose their soft puppy coat.
  • Yawning is contagious for dogs, but NOT for puppies!
  • Research shows puppies react more strongly to ‘baby’ talk but eventually grow out of it.
  • No surprise, their daily routine consists of sleep, eat and repeat. It is very typical for a newborn puppy to sleep, awake, nurse from their mother, then return to sleep. What a life!
  • “Puppy eyes” are a real thing! Puppies raise their eyebrows to make their eyes appear bigger and sadder in order to gain a human’s attention.
  • Puppies can have identical twins.
  • The larger the paws, the larger your puppy will be.
  • Puppies are being judged by IBM’s Super Computer, Watson. IBM has developed a program to determine how likely a specific puppy would be to graduate guide dog trainee school.
  • Office dogs are on trend –for good reason– looking at puppies can actually make you more productive. If you’re reading this at work, you might be more productive for the rest of the day. You’re welcome!

Puppy Facts for Kids

Little boy and puppy at field

A puppy is a member of most families and can even be your children’s best friend. It is important to introduce a child to a puppy thoughtfully and help them build their special relationship with solid advice. The following are actualities that every parent with children and a new puppy should know and understand.

Preparing Your Children for Your New Puppy

Girl feeding puppy

  • Put up baby gates/puppy gates around the house and have your children practice opening and closing these gates before your puppy arrives.
  • Have your children participate in feeding your new puppy! This will be a fun activity for them and will help develop their bond.
  • Get them in the habit of putting away their toys, shoes and whatever else a puppy may want to chew on.
  • It’s common to have new puppies nip during playtime. Practice the “being a tree” position so the puppy will understand biting and nipping does not encourage play.
  • Establish a crate or a designated room for your puppy away from your children to allow them time to rest and relax without being disturbed.

Pregnancy and Dogs

Parent and puppies hang out in park

We’ve discussed some facts about puppies, but it’s also important to understand some information about their wonderful mothers. A mother dog’s gestation period due to evolutionary reasons. A shorter pregnancy equates to less stress on the mother. The shorter period doesn’t allow the puppy embryo to develop sight and hearing inside the womb. This is the reason puppies are born deaf and blind.

Parent dog feeds puppies

More mother dog facts:

  • Litter size depends greatly on the breed. Average is about 5-6 pups.
  • Mother dogs eat as much as they want during pregnancy with no restrictions on their intake. Eat as they please.
  • Normal gestation period is between 7-10 weeks, 63 days being the average.
  • Dogs can experience morning sickness.
  • Labor can take between 2-20 hours.
  • A mother will begin nursing their litter before she has even given birth to the entire litter.

Pregnancy Dog Signs

White dog parent and puppies get together

Could your dog be pregnant? It’s important to understand the signs of pregnancy in your dog and be aware of when the litter could be on the way:

  • Decreased activity and lack of energy.
  • Weight gain & changes in appetite with an enlarged abdomen.
  • Enlarged or discolored nipples.
  • When your pregnant dog begins panting, there will be only a few hours until labor ensues.
  • A dog’s temperature can tell you she’s about to give birth.

Puppies are a tremendous amount of fun and add much to their people’s lives. It’s our responsibility ad owners to understand everything possible to keep them healthy and safe. Now that you’ve brushed up on your puppy facts, you’ll be ready to start the journey with your floof. All we ask is that you capture each bork, blep, mlem and blop along the way and share it with us using #prudentpet!

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